

It is the performance monitoring of business processes, allowing to systematically detect deviations, problems and make predictions on the performance and the impact in the expected results, in order to correct them before they become critical.


It is the follow-up of alerts via Message Board and Mobile Message Board regarding the resolution or not of a problem or an identified deviation, allowing to automatically detect faults in corrective action, improving the communication scale process and the volume of information passed to the responsible areas.


It is a tool to consolidate charts and reports, associated and consolidated in the form of an information panel, visible to the teams that accompany the performance of the business, allowing to effectively detect faults and problems in the process chain.


It is intended for customers who need to monitor the performance of relevant and critical business processes in the company’s various departments.


It is intended for customers who need to monitor the performance of its employees in solving problems and discrepancies on relevant and critical business processes in the company’s departments and with possible subsequent impacts.


It is intended for customers who need to generate business performance dashboards, associated with its internal processes and critical and relevant company´s information and transactions.


BAMCENTRIC will help customers to systematically provide cross-data at different levels of the organization that may be affected by failures and problems in the existing business processes or by the lack of correlation of information to generate a new perspective and information context.


BAMCENTRIC will help customers systematically at getting information regarding problem resolution, by triggering alerts if any relevant area fails, either within the delay of the root cause detection without proper communication to the areas or inattention of the magnitude of a problem without the proper required action.


BAMCENTRIC will help customers by graphically presenting the information associated with impacts throughout the business processes chain, considering all areas and teams involved.


When a customer needs to monitor their business processes performance efficiency, by quickly determining anomalies or problems that may have an impact on business.

When a customer needs to conciliate information between ERPs, CRMs, SCM´s, spreadsheets, Legacy Systems, XML, TXT, Web Services, BIG DATA technologies and other sources of information that create and add value to the business performance of the company.


When a BAMCENTRIC customer identifies procedural errors in solving a problem and needs to track the performance of the actions taken to quickly determine anomalies or problems that may have an impact on business.

It´s used to conciliate information from several system tools and also for processes in place or not in the company.


When a customer needs to identify and add additional information to existing reports and graphs to generate new insight into the performance of the business process to quickly determine anomalies or problems that may have an impact on business.

It´s used to quickly generate graphs containing information regarding business performance results due to necessary strategic changes, new implementations and outbreaks of relevant actions related to the constant changes in the economic scenario and identified risks.


BAMCENTRIC´s customer chooses the product package to meet their needs.


BAMCENTRIC´s customer chooses the product package to meet their needs.


BAMCENTRIC´s customer chooses the product package to meet their needs.

Business Process Monitoring

In a globalized market with intense rising competition, there is an increase in companies needs for the automation of their processes and for managing their information securely and accurately to gain competitiveness.  The amount of effort, time and cost for creating and maintaining internal solutions are corroding their ability to react fast to business challenges.

Considering the increasing of the complexity and costs in development and integration of systems connected to the current digital world, business processes monitoring is key to increase the efficiency of the results stipulated by the companies.

BAMCENTRIC is a Business Process Monitoring solution which is able to access numerous sources of information without the need of a Data warehouse / Data mart for data consolidation, supporting the continuous improvement of processes associated with the company’s areas responsible teams.

Here follows some main uses for BAMCENTRIC´s solution that can be highlighted:

  • Monitorar inúmeras fontes de dados, de forma simultânea;
  • Gerar novas perspectivas e visões de performance dos processos de negócios;
  • Conciliação de informações de regras de negócio;
  • Possuir visibilidade sobre as métricas de desempenho do negócio;
  • Zelar pelo cumprimento das estratégias e metas estabelecidos pela empresa.

What is it?

It is the monitoring of the performance of business processes, allowing to systematically detect deviations, problems and making predictions on the performance and in the impact of the expected results, in order to correct them before they become critical.

Who sould use?

It is intended for customers who need to monitor the performance of relevant and critical business processes to the company’s various departments.

Why to use?

BAMCENTRIC will help customers to systematically provide cross-data at different levels of the organization that may be affected by failures and problems in the existing business processes or by the lack of correlation of information to generate a new perspective and information context.

When to use?

When a customer needs to monitor their business processes performance efficiency, by quickly determining anomalies or problems that may have an impact on business.

When a customer needs to conciliate information between ERPs, CRMs, SCM´s, spreadsheets, Legacy Systems, XML, TXT, Web Services, BIG DATA technologies and other sources of information that create and add value in the business performance of the company.

How to use?

BAMCENTRIC´s customer chooses the product package to meet their needs.


Support to the resolution or not of a lifecycle of monitored alerts.

One of the greatest challenges of the current monitoring alerts is monitoring the resolution of the problem identified, giving the correct magnitude in the escalation of the problem, directing the focus and the meanings of actions.

The administration of the actions by the respective responsible ensures the control and quality of processes and enterprise´s methodologies deployed.

BAMCENTRIC provides collaboration features, associating teams and areas of the company by centering in its tool all content and problems resolutions of actions and deviations of business processes performance, assisting in the continuous improvement of processes and agility in the company´s internal communication.

Here follows some main uses for BAMCENTRIC´s solution that can be highlighted:

  • – Generate norms and standards for the hierarchical scale process;
  • – Provide integration of employees of all areas involved;
  • – Participate assertively, when required;
  • – Centralized Monitoring of actions and resolutions in a single front end;
  • – Increased maturity in the actions on alerts;
  • – Ensure compliance with the standards and SLAs set by the company.

What is it?

It is the follow-up of alerts via Message Board and Mobile Message Board regarding the resolution or not of a problem or an identified deviation, allowing to automatically detect faults in corrective action, improving the communication scale process and the volume of information passed to the responsible areas.

Who should use?

It is intended for customers who need to monitor the performance of its employees in solving problems and pointing out of differences on business processes which are relevant and critical to the company’s departments and possible subsequent impacts.

Why to use?

BAMCENTRIC will help customers systematically at getting information regarding problem resolution, by triggering alerts if any relevant area fails, either within the delay of the root cause detection without proper communication to the areas or inattention of the magnitude of a problem without proper required action.

When to use?

When a BAMCENTRIC customer identifies procedural errors in solving a problem and needs to track the performance of the actions taken to quickly determine anomalies or problems that may have an impact on business.

It´s used to conciliate information from several system tools and also for process in place or not in the company.

How to use?

BAMCENTRIC´s customer chooses the product package to meet their needs.


Many vendors offer tools for reporting and graphical generation linked to dashboards. One of the biggest challenges for the information in these kinds of panels is the generation and consolidation of data spread and stored in various information sources. It is usually necessary to write source codes to extract the data from each information source and to use a data mart to store all the data.

For that reason, the reconciliation of data and the increasing processing of different sources of information used to answer the strategic needs of the business, become paramount when developing information dashboards.

BAMCENTRIC is a Business Process Monitoring solution able to access numerous sources of information without the need of a Data warehouse / Data mart for data consolidation, dynamically gathering all necessary information for data feedback.

Here follows some main uses for BAMCENTRIC´s solution that can be highlighted:

  • – Develop a business performance dashboard;
  • – Generate graphics without the need to implement a data warehouse, associating relevant business information, from different areas of the company, and accessing various data sources in real time;
  • – Providing data integration also setting it as an input to another Dashboard generation tool;
  • – Easily create, modify and delete performance charts after the timely monitoring of the problem and its resolution;
  • – Get instant information in graphical form regarding business process performance;
  • – Ensure compliance with the standards and SLAs set by the company.

What is it?

It is a tool to consolidate charts and reports, associated and consolidated in the form of an information panel, visible to the teams that accompany the performance of the business, allowing to effectively detect faults and problems in the process chain.

Who should use?

It is intended for customers who need to generate business performance dashboards, associated with its internal processes and critical and relevant company´s information and transactions.

Why to user?

BAMCENTRIC will help customers by graphically presenting the information associated with impacts throughout the business processes chain, considering all areas and teams involved.

When to use?

When a customer needs to identify and add additional information to existing reports and graphs to generate new insight into the performance of the business process to quickly determine anomalies or problems that may have an impact on business.

It´s used for quickly generating  graphs containing information regarding business performance results due to necessary strategic changes, new implementations and outbreaks of relevant actions related to the constant changes in the economic scenario and identified risks.

How to use?

The BAMCENTRIC customer chooses the product package to meet their needs.